Yamato DaiwaFrontend 2 Beta
Rich libraries for types in high-quality frontend web development with Pug, Stylus and TypeScript
This documentation site is under development.
Until the specific pages are ready, you will be redirected to temporary markdown documentation of the official
GitHub repository.
Please understand that high-quality documentation requires more time than library development, and the top priority
of library development is new functionality.
All internal pages of this web side are associated with newest alpha version of the major version 2.
The markdown documentation for major version 1 is available on the
official GitHub repository of this project.
npm i @yamato-daiwa/frontend@2.0.0-beta.0
- Top
- Core Library
- Pug Markup
- Functionality
- Inline JavaScript
- Pages Templates
- Usage on Server Side
- Functionality
- Styles
- Assets
- Kernel
— YDF Styles Configuration- Specifications Schemas
- Functions
- Values Types Checkers
- Value Transformers
- Working with Strings
- Working with Quantities
- Working with Objects
- Working with Arrays
- Working with YDF Arrays
- Parameters Validation
- Other Functions
- Mixins
- General
- Sizing
- Positioning
- Positional Relationship
- Layout
- Typography
- Other
- Styles Initialization
- Built-in Plugins
- Additional Color Pallets
- GUI Components
- Controls
- Buttons
- Pug Markup
- Adaptations to JavaScript Frameworks
- Vue
- GUI Components
- Controls
- Buttons
- GUI Components
- React
- GUI Components
- Controls
- Buttons
- GUI Components
- Blazor
- GUI Components
- Controls
- Buttons
- GUI Components
- Vue
- Realise Notes